Web-Query (Data Export)

This feature is available in CRMdesk Professional Edition only.


Web-Query is a tool for exporting CRMdesk questions raw data in xml and html formats.


Web-Query generates a URL that you can use to download your questions database as an xml structure or and html file for use in a third-party system (e.g. for consolidating data from different systems).

Different XSL stylesheets may be used to transform XML data to generate different custom reports formats.


You should have an administration privilege to use this function.


Setup tab – IntegrationWeb-Query


Step 1

Choose the Output Format and which questions (Open, Closed, All) you would like to export in the Scope…questions field. From the Category and Assigned to lists, pick a particular project or asignee if needed. You may also filter the list of exported questions by picking a specific custom field and defining what value the necessary questions should contain in this field.s

Select the fields that you need to export from your CRMdesk questions database. If complete question history is required, select the Discussion Thread field.

If you choose to download attachments with xml format, they will be exported in Base64 format.

Click the Submit button.

Step 2

URL is generated in the large text area. You can select and copy it into the clipboard for further use with.

You can also preview the resulting xml or html file based on the current data.


It is especially effective to apply XSL stylesheets to XML data in order to generate different detailed reports formats. HTML format is easily readable, so it is more suitable for visual processing.

CRMdesk support may provide you with a few XSL sample stylesheets. You may also hire CRMdesk professionals to create customized stylesheets for all your company’s reports needs.

Next: Third-Party Software Integration Settings