Third-Party Software Integration Settings

This customizing area is available for all Support Desk users.


CRMdesk can be integrated with BUGtrack software – a powerful issue-tracking and project management web-based system. By clicking a single button (Create BUGtrack Record) in the Support Desk interface, you can create a fully functional BUGtrack record which is then processed, for instance, by your testers and developers. This feature enables your customer support team to communicate effectively with the product development team whenever a question concerns an error in your product or shows the need for additional code improvements.

The Create BUGtrack Record button shows up in question detailed screen after the integration settings have been maintained.


You should have a BUGtrack Professional Edition account in order to use this feature. In addition, you should have administration rights in your BUGtrack system.


BUGtrack: Admin tab – Create custom record entry form wizard

CRMdesk: Setup tab – Integration – Integration


1. Code generation - BUGtrack

First, you need to generate BUGtrack project-specific HTML code, which will then be used in CRMdesk setup. The BUGtrack Custom Record Entry wizard generates the code after you specify the project and additional parameters.

Go through all the wizard steps, select and copy the generated code into the clipboard (press Ctrl+C).

2. Activation - CRMdesk

To activate the integration, open the CRMdesk integration setup area and paste the code from the clipboard (press Ctrl+V) into the code-entry area provided.

To deactivate integration, clear the code-entry area.

To save your changes, click the Submit button.


To change the project and other settings for BUGtrack record creation you just need to generate another code version in BUGtrack and use it to overwrite the old code in CRMdesk setting.

Next: Backup