

The Feedback area displays how helpful particular FAQ Knowledge Base topics were for your customers. When the Feedback option is activated in the Customer Desk Settings & Layout setup, customers can evaluate each FAQ’s usefulness by answering the question ‘Was this answer helpful?’ at the bottom of the FAQ display page. ‘Yes’ answer adds 100% to the FAQ rating; ‘No’ answer adds 0% to the FAQ rating. The final rating of each FAQ is calculated as an average value based on all customers’ ratings. The answers are immediately stored in the feedback database and up-to-date results become available to Support Desk users on the Feedback page.


Knowledge Base tab – Feedback


Follow the path to open the area. The results are presented as a table with FAQ topics names with their rating score.


Feedback on FAQs is the most important customer value indicator for your Knowledge Base. It helps you determine issues and solutions that are the most important from your customers’ viewpoint thus showing the areas to concentrate on.

Next: Statistics